Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Jammu trip : around Jammu (20 Oct 2010)

Bahu Fort,Jammu

The Bahu Fort is located in Jammu city. The fort, originally built by Raja Bahulochan some 3,000 years ago, was refurbished by the Dogra rulers in the 19th century.
The building of the city of Jammu and the Bahu Fort are linked to a legend. Raja Jambu Lochan, brother of Bahu Lochan when on a hunting trip witnessed a curious scene of a tiger and a goat drinking water side by side at the same location in the Tawi River, without the tiger attacking. The Raja considered this a divine direction to establish the fort and his new capital here, as the scene he witnessed at this site represented peaceful coexistence. His brother, Bahu Lochan, is credited with building the fort.

Aqurium-cum-Awareness Center,Jammu

India's biggest underground aqurium.


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